All The Puzzle Pieces Fit Together

Peter Middleton
10 min readDec 27, 2019

The picture is unique to you, but there are some common clues for us all.

Life can be a puzzle. There can be so many pieces in front of us at any one time. So many questions to consider. There’s never been a time in history where we’ve had so much information available to us and therefore so many ways to perform the dance of life. How do we navigate this puzzle? Is that the million, billion, zillion dollar question?!

Well, luckily there are some common clues to human experience and all it takes is to work out what they mean for you and then apply them to your life starting now. All the pieces are there, and they fit together the way you feel comfortable with them.

It takes a little effort and some intentional thinking, but it’s achievable.

Ready to get started?

The Information Highway

First things first, the thing that has changed the entirety of human existence is the information highway. Before the internet we were limited to the knowledge that surrounded us in our part of the world and we were reliant on authority and the power structures that they existed in to give us that information.

Our school systems were decided for us and the media gave us a bias that we were comfortable with. If I wanted to know something…



Peter Middleton

Slow, sustainable, interconnected growth; living from an authentic heart.