My response to that would be that the word incompatible is based around competition, linear nature, and comparison.
If we're thinking in terms of utility, then each culture has it's own wisdom to bring. If we're talking in terms of celebrating another's culture, then I suppose it's down to motivation on both sides; because that is a relation where I actually have to care, and be engaged in listening to another point of view.
It's not a crime to not resonate with aspects of someone else's culture. Thank you for expressing, and reminding me of that. Would you mind explaining why you feel defensive about that?
I don't feel like I stated a dislike for conformity, I feel like I stated a dislike for forced assimilation, from the force of popular culture; the natural pressure to assimilate builds because of ease of life, yet it also builds resentment. In my opinion, and it is just my opinion, that only serves to help us cycle through conflict.
I also don't advocate forcing diversity on self segratting societies. As is natural, those societies will need to interact partially outside of their closed loop, and when they do, I have stated that it would be beneficial to lead with tolerance, and cooperation.